How to Find Safe Laundry Products for Non-Toxic Living

How to Find Safe Laundry Products for Non-Toxic Living

Non-toxic living requires replacing your brand-name cleaners and detergents with products that are safe for the whole family as well as the environment. Safe laundry products are important to non-toxic living because they make contact with all of your clothing on a regular basis. Clean detergents and soaps can eliminate persistent skin rashes caused by allergic reactions to artificial scents and coloring agents. There are a number of places where you'll find safe laundry detergents. Follow these steps to find them.

Things You'll Need:

Updated phone book for your city

Computer with Internet capability

Locate Providers of Safe Laundry Products


Shop for safe laundry products in health food stores. These stores feature food and household cleaning products that are organic, biodegradable and non-toxic.


Consider mail order and catalog options for your non-toxic laundry products. You can locate these providers by searching online. These companies will send you a catalog of their products. Often, they have customer service phone numbers available. Use the "National Green Pages" Web site (see Resources below) to get started.


Research online recipes for homemade laundry products. Since safe laundry products are made from natural ingredients. All it takes is a few common items around the home and patience. Learn more by visiting the "HealthGoods" Web site (see Resources below).


Understand the signs of a truly organic laundry product. A label that includes long chemical names and artificial coloring agents do not fit the standards of non-toxic living. Look for words like biodegradable, organic or all-natural.


Review the program schedule of your local public radio station. These stations often feature
tips and ads from retail outlets that promote non-toxic living. Listeners can speak with non-toxic and organic store owners directly to find out about their inventory.

Tips & Warnings

Budget your laundry product money wisely. Most non-toxic and healthy living products are 2 to 3 times more expensive than their name brand competitors.

Follow all washing and drying instructions on your clothing. Some clothing can be damaged by a combination of the wrong detergent and the incorrect washer or dryer setting.

Understand that safe laundry products may cause short term reactions and symptoms. Natural ingredients can cause allergic reactions such as skin irritation and rashes. Consult your physician immediately if symptoms appear.