How to Find Safe Household Cleaners for Non-Toxic Living

How to Find Safe Household Cleaners for Non-Toxic Living

The concept driving non-toxic living is that we should all avoid toxins, chemicals and preservatives that may cause us harm. A non-toxic lifestyle is ideal for anyone who wants to cope with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). Homeowners and individuals who choose a non-toxic lifestyle can find it difficult to adhere to. The major problem for most consumers is finding all-natural or organic versions of the everyday products that we need in our homes. However, there are many resources available for the person trying to find safe household cleaners. Follow these steps to find them.

Things You'll Need:

Phone book updated within last 6 months

Computer with Internet capability

Shop For Non-Toxic Products


Consult with your local health food store about safe household products. Health food stores are beginning to stock personal care and cleaning products that match their non-toxic ethos.


Attend farmers' markets to find
healthy food
and alternative household products. Farmers' markets may be held year round, depending on region. These markets feature small vendors selling non-toxic cleaners, organic food and other environmentally friendly products.


Find the non-toxic cleaning products section of your local chain store. Many local and regional grocers and retail outlets offer special sections for safe household products.


Utilize local fair-trade stores in your town. Fair-trade cleaners and products are friendly to laborers and to the environment. They're made from natural products.


Listen to your local public radio station. Public radio stations often have local or statewide programs that allow consumers to share the secrets to a safe, non toxic household. Many program hosts have conversations with store owners promoting their products. Check local listings through radio station Web sites.


Consult the Enviro$ense Web site (see Resources below) for a list of items that can be substituted for toxic household products.

Tips & Warnings

Consult a variety of stores and online resources to find safe household products. There are a growing number of non toxic cleaning agents and personal products. By working with a variety of shops, grocery stores and information sources, you'll find the variety of products available.

Alternative household products tend to be more expensive than traditional name brand products. Prepare to spend up to twice what you'd normally spend for non-toxic products.

Rush to your family physician immediately if the use or accidental ingestion of safe cleaning products leads to illness. Symptoms like labored breathing or continual coughing should be addressed with haste.